Pointer Checkt - Neemt testosteron af? - bronnenlijst
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Dit is de bronnenlijst voor aflevering 2 van seizoen 2 van Pointer Checkt over het testosteronniveau van westerse mannen.
Bronnenlijst aflevering 2 van seizoen 2
1. Boulicault, Marion & Reiches, Meredith. “Falling sperm counts aren’t as alarming as they sound.” The Guardian, 7 juni 2021. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/jun/07/scare-stories-falling-sperm-counts-male-infertility-science
2. Braddock, Benjamin. “Test of the American Man.” American Greatness, 4 januari 2021. https://amgreatness.com/2021/01/04/test-of-the-american-man/
3. Henderson, Alex. “Inside the ‘soy boy’ conspiracy theory: It combines misogyny and the warped world of pseudosciece [sic].” Salon, 14 november 2018. https://www.salon.com/2018/11/14/the-soy-boy-conspiracy-theory-alt-right-thinks-left-wing-has-it-out-for-them-with-soybeans_partner/
4. Lashbrook, Angela. “Why Alex Jones, Mike Cernovich, and Joe Rogan Are All Selling Skin Care.” Racked, 12 juni 2018. https://www.racked.com/2018/6/12/17442336/skin-care-alex-jones-mike-cernovich-joe-rogan-serums
5. Mercer, Ilana. “Testosterone: Going... Going... Gone!” Free West Media, 7 oktober 2022.
6. https://freewestmedia.com/2022/10/07/testosterone-going-going-gone/Molloy, Joshua & Leidig, Eviane. “The Emerging Raw Food Movement and the ‘Great Reset’.” GNET Insights, 10 oktober 2022. https://gnet-research.org/2022/10/10/the-emerging-raw-food-movement-and-the-great-reset/
7. Sommer, Will, “How ‘soy boy’ became the far right’s favorite new insult.” Medium, 26 oktober 2017. https://medium.com/@willsommer/how-soy-boy-became-the-far-rights-favorite-new-insult-e2e988d365c7
8. Thornton, Jim. “Is this the most dangerous food for men?” Men’s Health, 19 mei 2008. https://web.archive.org/web/20101105114313/https://www.menshealth.com/nutrition/soys-negative-effects (gearchiveerd)
9. “Gezondheid als zelfverheffing: Rick de Vries over gezondheid en voeding.” Renaissance Instituut, 4 november 2022. https://renaissanceinstituut.nl/artikel/gezondheid-als-zelfverheffing
Academische artikelen
10. Anders, S. M. van, Steiger, J. & Goldey, K. L. “Effects of gendered behavior on testosterone in women and men.” PNAS 112, nr. 45 (2015): 13805-13810. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1509591112
11. Boulicault, M. et al. “The future of sperm: a biovariability framework for understanding global sperm count trends.” Human Fertility (2021): 1-15. doi: 10.1080/14647273.2021.1917778
12. Chavarro, J. E. et al. “Soy food and isoflavone intake in relation to semen quality parameters among men from an infertility clinic.” Human Reproduction 23, nr. 11 (2008): 2584-2590. doi: 10.1093/humrep/den243
13. Du Puis, E. M. “Angels and Vegetables: A Brief History of Food Advice in America.” Gastronomica: The Journal of Food and Culture 7, nr. 3 (2007): 34-44. http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.1525/gfc.2007.7.3.34
14. Gambertm I. & Linné, T. “From Rice Eaters to Soy Boys: Race, Gender, and Tropes of ‘Plant Food Masculinity’.” Animal Studies Journal 7, nr. 2 (2018): 129-179. https://ro.uow.edu.au/asj/vol7/iss2/8
15. Gray, P. B., McHale, T. S. & Carré, J. M. “A Review of Human Male Field Studies of Hormones and Behavioral Reproductive Effort.” Hormones and Behavior 91 (2017): 52-67. doi: 10.1016/j.yhbeh.2016.07.004
16. Jansen, B. C. P. “Arts en samenleving: Bespreking van het Volkenbonds rapport over voeding.” Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 82 IV 41 (1938): 5056-5058. https://www.ntvg.nl/system/files/publications/1938150560001a.pdf
17. Jiménez, M., Aguilar, R. & Alvero-Cruz, J. R. “Effects of victory and defeat on testosterone and cortisol response to competition: Evidence for same response patterns in men and women.” Psychoneuroendocrinology 37, nr. 9 (2012): 1577-1581. doi:10.1016/j.psyneuen.2012.02.011
18. Jordan-Young, R. & Rumiati, R. I. “Hardwired for Sexism? Approaches to Sex/Gender in Neuroscience.” Neuroethics 5 (2012): 305-315. doi:10.1007/s12152-011-9134-4
19. Lewis, R. C., Johns, L. E. & Meeker, J. D. “Serum Biomarkers of Exposure to Perfluoroalkyl Substances in Relation to Serum Testosterone and Measures of Thyroid Function among Adults and Adolescents from NHANES 2011–2012.” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 12 (2015): 6098-6114. doi: 10.3390/ijerph120606098
20. Messina, M. “Soybean isoflavone exposure does not have feminizing effects on men: a critical examination of the clinical evidence.” Fertility and Sterility 93, nr. 7 (2010): 2095-2104. doi:10.1016/j.fertnstert.2010.03.002
21. Rosner, W. et al. “POSITION STATEMENT: Utility, Limitations, and Pitfalls in Measuring Testosterone: An Endocrine Society Position Statement.” The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 92, nr. 2 (2007): 405-413. https://doi.org/10.1210/jc.2006-1864
22. Stănescu, V. “The whopper virgins: Hamburgers, gender, and xenophobia in Burger King's hamburger advertising.” In Meat Culture, ed. Annie Potts, 90-108. Leiden: Brill, 2016. https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004325852_006
23. Stănescu, V. “‘White Power Milk’: Milk, Dietary Racism, and the ‘Alt-Right’.” Animal Studies Journal 7, nr. 2 (2018): 103-128. https://ro.uow.edu.au/asj/vol7/iss2/7
24. Swann Harding, T. “Diet and Disease” The Scientific Monthly 26, nr. 2 (1928): 150-157. http://www.jstor.org/stable/7994
25. Travison, T. G. et al. “A Population-Level Decline in Serum Testosterone Levels in American Men.” The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 92, nr. 1 (2007): 196 –202. doi: 10.1210/jc.2006-1375
26. Tyagi, V. “Revisiting the Role of Testosterone: Are We Missing Something?” Reviews in Urology 19, nr. 1 (2017): 16-24. doi: 10.3909/riu0716
27. Final Report of the Mixed Committee of the League of Nations on the Relation of Nutrition to Health, Agriculture and Economic Policy. Geneva: League of Nations, 1937. https://ia802702.us.archive.org/13/items/finalreportofmix00leaguoft/finalreportofmix00leaguoft.pdf
28. Blaxter, T. & Garnett, T. Primed for Power: a short cultural history of protein. TABLE, University of Oxford, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences and Wageningen University and Research (2022). https://doi.org/10.56661/ba271ef5
29. Gompers, S. & Gutstadt, H. “MEAT vs. RICE: American Manhood against Asiatic Coolieism. Which shall survive?” American Federation of Labor & Asiatic Exclusion League, 1908.
30. Coming, J. L. Brain exhaustion, with some preliminary consideration on cerebral dynamics. New York: D. Appleton & co, 1884. https://archive.org/details/brainexhaustionw00corn/page/196/mode/2up
31. Fine, Cordelia. Testosterone Rex: Myths of sex, science, and society. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2017.
32. McCollum, E. V. The newer knowledge of nutrition: the use of food for the preservation of vitality and health. New York: Macmillan, 1918. (pp 150-151). https://archive.org/details/cu31924104225937/page/n187/mode/2up
Sociale media & video’s
33. Dave Asprey (@daveaspreyofficial). TikTok, 8 november 2022. https://www.tiktok.com/@daveaspreyofficial/video/7163414818580499758
34. Hamza. “How I Increased My Testosterone.” YouTube, 4 juli 2022. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cwqjxqX42qA
35. Jesse Grossat (@jessegrossat). TikTok, 8 september 2022. https://www.tiktok.com/@jessegrossat/video/7140946143839603973
36. Justin Mares (@jwmares). “Here's a cheery Friday fact. An average 22 year-old male today has roughly the same testosterone levels as a 67 year old had in the year 2000. Average testosterone has fallen close to 50% in the last 2 decades, and nobody is talking about it.” Twitter, 9 april 2021, 17:02. https://twitter.com/jwmares/status/1380536602997444608
37. LucasTFitness (@lucastfitnesstok). “3 Foods that you should be eating to boost testosterone.” TikTok, 15 november 2022. https://www.tiktok.com/@lucastfitnesstok/video/7166349068334042410
38. Nick Alper (@nickalper). TikTok, 24 september 2022. https://www.tiktok.com/@nickalper/video/7146975952084552965
39. Paul Joseph Watson. “The Truth About Soy Face.” YouTube, 26 febuari 2018. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=az352YaZNM0
40. Siren Sara. “Paul Joseph Watson – Soy Boys.” YouTube, 22 juni 2019. (repost van oorspronkelijke video). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dlpqcc_hNdM
41. Tre Valley (@tre_valley). “Where did MEN go wrong?” TikTok, 20 augustus 2022. https://www.tiktok.com/@tre_valley/video/7133749615324794158
42. Zaranyzerak. “Tucker Carlson’s New Trailer is Very Manly.” YouTube, 19 april 2022. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_DgdD565-eU
43. Interview met Jens van Tricht, oprichter van Emancipator, https://www.emancipator.nl/portfolio-item/jens-van-tricht-4/