
NPO, AVROTROS and NOS to organize 2020 Eurovision Song Contest

Klik hier voor de Nederlandse versie. Last night, with 498 points, Duncan Laurence won the 2019 Eurovision Song Contest. A significant and amazing achievement that lets 'Arcade' join the list of Song Contest classics 44 years after Teach-In came in first.  This victory means that The Netherlands will, once again, have the privilege of hosting the Eurovision Song Contest. The event will be organized in cooperation between NPO, AVROTROS and NOS, each having their own role. The Eurovision Song Contest is one of the biggest international events and offers The Netherlands a great opportunity to step into the international spotlight once again. It also perfectly fits the connecting role that the public service broadcaster wants to play in society since the event has a great range among a variety of target groups for all generations. The 2020 Eurovision Song Contest will showcase Dutch creativity and media innovation. In thet next few weeks, a project organization is set up and further plans will be made. Editorial note A first press conference is expected in June, on which you will receive further information in due course.    
18 mei 2019
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